Friday, September 7, 2012


Hello fellow bloggers and Cree. This weeks blog on blogger is about soccer. The point of this bolg is to get you the read to get out side and play a game. You could also watch one on tv or at a comuity soccer feild. Soccer is a fun sport that requires a lot of commitment. You just cant walk out on the field on game day and expect to win. It takes years of training and practics to be successful.

Practice usually consitts of foot work and some sort of conditioning. foot work is key in soccer because nintyfive percent of the time you are using your feet to move the ball up and down the feild. foot work is very hard to learn because one kick might go stright and if you move your foot just a littel bit it can drastically change the way the ball goes. check next weeks blog for tips and tricks that might help. Peace out.


  1. I used to play soccer but, fell out of it somehow. I can't wait to read about these tricks on footwork!

  2. I think soccer is a really hard sport that needs a lot more initial practice than most sports. Running while keeping control and kicking a ball across the field? Not easy.

  3. Soccer really get's me excited. I alway's stand on my tippy toes at the games. I hope your season goes well, and you don't break a leg.
